Our Approach
This teacher training course approaches yoga from an energetic perspective, yet you will learn a lot about the physical part as well in a grounded, down to earth way. Yin& Yang is the symbol of polarities, that we encounter every where in our dualistic world. In our context yin is the principle of the feminine, receptive, still, intuitive, meditative quality, while yang is the principle of the masculine, active, expressing quality. In the cosmic order these two qualities have their eternal flow, dance where they always balance each other out and come back to balance. In our lives we have these qualities as well , but sometime we get out of balance.. Especially as most of us live in a western society, where usually the “doing” part is exaggerated and there is little time space for nurturing the quietude, the receptivity, and the connection to our own Source.
About Yin Yoga
It is a deeply meditative style, rooted in Daoism and traditional Hatha Yoga. We work mainly with floor poses, that we hold for longer time, creating deep stretching effect on muscles, ligaments, tendons, and the fascia, at the same time compressing the joints and bones.
Through yin yoga we activate the energy flow in the energy channels (meridians- Traditional Chinese Medicine), clearing blockages and creating a better flow of chi, life force energy, nurturing our organs and our whole system in general.
This is beautiful practice to deepen mindful and soulful awareness and it also works on our deeper layers of the physical bodies (versus yang practice mainly working with the superficial muscles). In yin yoga we have access to the connective tissues, like joints, bones, ligaments, and tendons and of course the fascia that connects all the parts of our body as a net.
With our popular Yin teacher training module you will be able to create a Yin class or session, long or short for a group, for an individual session, or for yourself.
You will learn transition poses and intelligent ways of sequencing - taking in consideration pose families, anatomical guidelines, and meridian therapy. You will be enabled to work on a one-on-one with clients with specific needs, complaints, and anatomical constitution.
About Yang Yoga
With our Yang teacher training module you will be able to create a soulful, energising, uplifting flow class based on energetically sequencing, connected to the meridians, and the five elements, and according to an anatomical approach (sequence for hips, shoulders, etc). Learn the latest anatomy knowledge, functional approach, and how to make a yoga practice safe and sustainable for all.
You will learn the basic poses both for the yin and the yang practices and you will be able to blend them together in a beautiful harmonious way. To promote balance, healing, growth on the soulful journey. We will study mantras, mudras and breathing techniques, as well as specific meditations.