soulbreath teacher training

Soulbreath® Fundamentals Breath Teacher Training

5 Days of deep transformational retreat on IBIZA

NEW DATES:  6-11 April 2025!

Expand Your Breath with Soulbreath® -  Pranayama - Breath Anatomy 

 - Transform - Renew - Empower- Create - Live your passion - Inspire others - Teach others

Register here & receive more info!

Connecting to the Essence of Life through our Sacred Breath

Why joining our Breath Teacher Training and Immersion?



If you have joined Erno van Doesselaar in one of his Breathing sessions, you have felt a bit of the endless potential that the Soulbreath® breathing has for you. Scientific research has pointed out how essential deep breathing for the physical body is. It helps the body release tension, stress and toxines. It literally activates our cells and calms our mind. 
Studies have shown that when we engage in deep, conscious breathing, it activates the parasympathetic nervous system, also known as the relaxation response.
This response helps counteract the effects of the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the fight-or-flight response. Whenever we encounter a stressful situation or whenever an emotional memory that is attached to a stressful event gets triggered, our sympathetic nervous system gets flared up.
So if we can activate the parasympathetic nervous system more often with integrating conscious breathing into our daily lives, we really help our body to rebalance and become more resilient against stress!

But there is much more... Conscious breathing with your core essence that we call the Soul, helps to you to connect to your pure joy, endless passion and it awakens your awareness.
It rebalances and rejuvenates the body so much that it can help you to overwrite old mental programs that we have been taking on in our lives.
Most of the times we are still carrying them with us, because our body is like a vessel that keeps all energies until we have become aware of them.
Then we have a possibility and conscious choice to let them go.
Yes, our body literally needs our awareness! 
It needs your awareness to take it to the next level where it can be living free from those old limitations. That is the moment that your body will start to reflect the unlimited joy, passion and love that your core awareness is.

The unique thing is that in this Soulbreath® Immersion & Teacher Training we are increasing our self awareness, but together with that we are also awakening and strengthening our soul connection.

Awaken, become aware and integrate new awareness. 
It is time to awaken our Soul essence in our body! So we can infuse our body with more of that pure awareness and create an easier pathway to go beyond our mind's limitations as well.
We can start to rediscover ourselves as the creator of our reality in a joyful way and be inspired to move forward into our new lives. Into a life that is bubbling with your Soul passion that will keep encouraging you to live freely, out of love for you.

It starts as a compassionate gift to you, that can encourage you to see many new possibilities. It helps you to feel trust in yourself and to feel solid and grounded in your body. So it can become part of your a daily life.
Who would not like to share that with others? Seeing how they can get so inspired by their breath and the love of their Soul? Even if it is not your goal to be a teacher your presence will naturally attract others and inspire them.

Are you ready for this new journey?
Are you willing to discover more about you?
When you say YES to YOU, you open a New Flow of potentials for you!

breath meditation

Extended Soulbreath® Breathing Sessions

Once you connect to the Soulbreath® breathing, you start to discover that there is a lot more waiting for you :)
The extended breathing sessions will support you in your natural integration process of this sacred breath, that truly loves you as you are and inspires you every day.
Transform your life, lower stress, and become inspired every day. 

breath meditation

Reconnect to your passion - self love - creativity and joy! 

Once we get reconnected to the breath with our Spirit / Soul we can connect to true self love, compassion, creativity, joy and our passion for life! 

The deeper we learn to embody and this Soulbreath® the more we will discover our passions. Many participants discover a new passion or re-ignite their existing passion in a new way! Because this time it comes straight from your heart and soul and not from the human mind.

breath meditation

Start teaching and sharing with Others

You can choose to participate our Soulbreath® Fundamentals Breath training as a retreat or a teacher training: We believe that in order to become a professional and skilful teacher, you first need to experience and integrate the materials yourself. Together with all the practices in this training, we will guide you and teach you how to start facilitating the Soulbreath® to others. 
breath awareness lectures
Connecting to the Breath of Compassion & Self Love

What is included in this Immersion & training ?

  • 5 Days Accommodation in a beautiful ****hotel location on  Ibiza
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner are included
  • Learn the fundamentals of Conscious Breathing, Yogic Pranayama, Anatomy of the breath 
  • Daily Soulbreath® Breath Meditations
  • Daily Soulbreath® Self Awareness & Integration sessions
  • Daily inspiring lectures on how to integrate Soulbreath® into your life
  • Stepping into creating consciously with your breath
  • Questions & Answers to practically support your transformation
  • Facilitator techniques explained to get you started 
  • Sacred Me-Time, beach time, nature walks, yoga classes to ground
  • Including visiting amazing nature and energy spots on the magical island


Now included in this Soulbreath® teacher training is 3 Months (!) online support, after completing the Fundamentals teacher training. You get the opportunity to ask  all your questions, get to boost your practice and potentially you get well prepared for the advanced Soulbreath® teacher training! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

YES, I would like to join!
breath teacher training ibiza with erno van doesselaar
Erno Van Doesselaar - Soulbreath® teacher trainer - Yoga Nidra trainer

Meet your teacher

Erno van Doesselaar

Erno Van Doesselaar is a Soulbreath® teacher trainer, breath therapist and a yoga teacher E-RYT200.
Being on his journey of self discovery since an early age, he learned to work with energies and conscious intention. He has been trained in self-awareness schools to learn how to transform belief systems and emotional patterns, that are limiting our life experience.
His main passion is to dive deeper and deeper into the soulful connection with his True Self and to get his inspiration from his Soul every day.
He has been learning and practicing the Soulbreath® for more than 20 years now, the breath that is our divine breath, that awakens our divinity, our true nature. 

He has been watching this Breath changing and healing his life entirely.
Erno followed the guidance of Breath Master Dr. Norma Delaney for many years and now journeys on his own with the guidance of his soul.

Erno has completed besides many Breath Teacher trainings and Spiritual Trainings, a Yin Yoga teacher training, a Yoga Nidra Teacher Training and Yoga Nidra courses.
He is adding the depth of the Soulful Breath & Yoga Nidra to our Yoga Teacher Trainings at Rise & Shine Yoga School. Erno loves to guide people into deeply healing meditations and Soulbreath® reconnection sessions. 

In his own words: "It is a miracle to witness how people can free themselves through breathing compassion for themselves and how they get connected, empowered and inspired by their own authentic source within.
That is when the real journey begins"

Soulbreath® training program

breathing life with soulbreath
Breathing Life with Soulbreath®

  • In these 5 days of deep immersion into your Connection to Yourself through the Breath you will learn the fundamentals of Conscious Breathing. Understanding and practicing different types of Pranayama, and learning about the Anatomy of the breath.
  • You will then awaken your Soulbreath® through which you will get the opportunity to solidify the breath connection with your soul essence.
  • You will learn to embody this unique compassionate and empowering breath, so you can continue to practice Soulbreath®  by yourself.
  • Soulbreath® will encourage you to create what your heart is longing for and it will let you discover where your mind is keeping you from it.
  • Every session will direct you to become more aware, more present, more focused and more connected to you.  
  • Understanding the importance of grounding our full awareness into our body and how this facilitates the way we can bring our creations into manifestation.
  • Opening up to the Soul's unique ways of communicating with you. 
  • Daily Soul Awareness sessions

We will also work with Soul Awareness sessions, where you are invited to discover Soul’s perspective on your experiences, on Life and on creating with passion and new awareness. Especially in this time where technology rapidly advances and where work is being automated more and more, it is essential for us to connect to our true source within, so we can discover what truly fuels our passion and joy in our hearts and how this can be manifested.

YES, I would like to join!

"Transformation happens when you desire it in your heart and you say a BIG YES to it"

soulbreath teacher training ibiza

Daily Schedule

Daily Schedule Plan (can change according to the groups needs):

08.00 - 11.00  Breathing Practice & Meditative walk Or Yoga & Breathing
11.00 - 12.00  Brunch
12.00 - 14.00  Soulbreath® Breath Integration Session, Lectures and Q & A
14.00 - 16.30  Afternoon break - beach time, reading, contemplation time.
16.30 - 19.00  Soulbreath® Breath & Soul Awareness session, embodiment, recognising inner dialogue, breath facilitation and Q & A
19.00 - Dinner

rise gift
"Erno's breath work was very enjoyable, what a fantastic tool to learn and carry with you through life. His open, calm and relaxed ways make him an easy person to trust allowing for letting go on a deeper level during his sessions".
Austin from the United Kingdom

100hrs SoulBreath® Breath teacher training in 2 modules. Extend the Fundamentals to the  Advanced Teacher Training...

What has led to the creation of the Soulbreath® Teacher Trainings?
Erno Van Doesselaar started practicing conscious breathing and meditation over 25 years ago in 1997 when he was Reiki therapist. 

During a meditation he experienced a glimpse of the power of conscious breathing and connecting with his soul awareness. It gave him such a deep experience of effortlessly connecting to himself, that he decided to change his focus onto conscious breath meditation and learning to listen to his inner source with self-development trainings. 

10 years later he met his Breath Master Norma Delaney. She kept inviting him to breathe deeper into his core. She encouraged him to deepen the connection to his Soul and taught him how to embody his breath.
He felt deeply touched by the compassionate teachings and the presence of Kuan Yin through Norma's presence, her breathing sessions and her inspired messages.
So much so that after following many trainings and private sessions with his Breath Master Norma, he started teaching his own Breath workshops & Breath teacher trainings internationally from 2008. He also dedicated his Soulbreath® Meditation Sessions, that you can join Live every month, to this unique breath of Compassion that Kuan Yin brought to him through Norma Delaney.

The breath teacher trainings & workshops that started back then, are part of the foundation of what the Soulbreath® teacher trainings have become right now. Adding to this the rich experience of Erno's Breath & Integration work over many years, the experiences that his clients had in their personal Breath & Integration sessions with him, and his assistance and teachings for 8 years in many international yoga teacher trainings with Kata van Doesselaar....

During his extensive experiences with Soulbreath® he discovered that there are different stages of awareness that everyone goes through in their own time.
So to be able to share his abundance of experiences with Soulbreath® and his wisdom in teaching the Soulbreath® breathing, Erno has decided to create two different modules of in total 100 hours of Soulbreath® teacher trainings, but why?

1.  To make sure that you will get the essential fundamentals of Soulbreath®
2.  To give you enough time and space to practice, gain experiences and start integrating this New Breathing in your life, so that it literally becomes part of your daily life and you embody it.

In his own words: "it is the same as car driving. Once you have your driving license, it does not mean that you are an expert driver yet. That comes with gaining years of driving experience. And if you have a passion to drive cars,  you would like to follow more in depth training to become a rally driver for example. 
If you feel then that you also want to teach rally driving to others, you will need to follow a more specific teacher training as well."

Luckily learning Soulbreath® does not have to take so long :-) , but it does need time to practice and your commitment to integrate it into your personal life first of all. How else can you teach others something that you have not mastered yourself yet?
The Soulbreath® Fundamentals teacher training helps you to get the basics of Soulbreath® and to gives you a lot of support to integrate it all into your personal life. 

After completing the Soulbreath® Fundamentals you are able to:

  •  Practice different types of breathings ( Soulbreath®, pranayama, alternate nostril ) and understanding the different intentions behind them.
  •  Connect to the Soulbreath® breathing by yourself
  •  Practice Soulbreath® meditations by yourself
  •  Understand the dynamics of integration from past experiences &   non-digested experiences (possible trauma's) 
  •  Guide yourself with Soulbreath®
  •  Create different meditations for yourself to expand your practice
  •  Understand the difference between what your mind wants and what your heart and soul desires.
  •  Start to Facilitate 101 with Soulbreath®
  •  Receive the 50hrs Soulbreath® Breath Fundamentals Teacher Training Certificate. 

What Do I get with this Soulbreath® Breath teacher training?

Soulbreath® Fundamentals TT gives you a full immersion into the Soulbreath® breathing where you learn how to integrate this unique Breath into your daily life.

This Soulbreath® TT gives you important knowledge and experiences  with breathing Pranayama and the anatomy of the Breath, so you feel solid about what you teach.

It also helps you to understand what kind of breathing is the most compatible with your yoga practice and your current situation in your life.

With the Certificate Soulbreath® Fundamentals TT you have received the foundation for yourself first of all.  The more personal experiences you have with Soulbreath®, the better you can start to guide others. This training enables you to guide others in personal sessions. 

The Soulbreath® Fundamentals is the solid base that you will need to start preparing for the Advanced Soulbreath®  TT.
In Soulbreath® Advanced Teacher Training, you will go deeper into the integration of Self with Soulbreath® and you will learn to anchor Soulbreath® deeper into the physical body. Adding to that we will train you in teaching groups. The result is that others will start to really feel it when you breathe Soulbreath® with them.
When you have completed Soulbreath® Advanced TT:
- You have the experience and knowledge to start sharing Soulbreath® as breath meditation in your group teachings, workshops and yoga classes.
- You have an incredibly empowering tool that is always available to you to expand your self awareness, your self love and creativity. 

- You have got a stable connection to your core essence.

- You will receive a 50hrs Soulbreath® Advanced TT certificate. This means that you will have together 100hrs Soulbreath® TT certificate approved by Yoga Alliance.

The next Soulbreath® Advanced TT will be scheduled for October 2025.

rise gift

"I started my personal journey in March 2023 with the Soulbreath & Meditation TT with Erno, in the first place for myself. To take some time off, to regain connection with myself, to heal... and this first training was amazing... the approach, the (smaller)group, the house,
the (vegan)chef, the environment. Erno has a very gentle way of teaching, a very good way of explaining. I really enjoyed the practices and He has the best voice for meditations :) 

For me the Soulbreath TT Level 1 was a very good foundation.
I would highly recommend Rise & Shine Yoga School, If you want to take some time off for yourself, for more awareness & connection with yourself or if you would like to learn all about yoga & meditation for personal growth or if you would like to become a yoga teacher on the most magical island, don't hesitate."

J. Coelus from Belgium
soulbreath teacher training
€ 1600,-

Soulbreath® & Pranayama Fundamentals Breath Teacher Training NEW DATES: 6-11 April 2025
Make sure to register in time!
we only work with small groups.

  • 5 Full Days of deep immersion into the Soulbreath® Breathing Training - fully dedicated to you 
  • Including accommodation in a beautiful ****Hotel on IBIZA near the beach
  • Fundamentals of the Breath, Breath Anatomy, incl Fascia & Yogic Pranayama
  • Soulbreath® Integrations sessions to ground the breath deeper into your body, strengthen the soul connection and settle the human mind
  • Including breathing techniques that prepare you to start facilitating others 
  • Also perfectly suitable as a self-development retreat
  • NOW WITH €200 SPECIAL DISCOUNT!  *valid until 20 FEBRUARY 2025

    Participation Fee: From €1400 depending on your choice of accommodation.

    We can offer the following options:
    Shared Room - €1400 incl all materials, meals and €200 Special discount - (regular price €1600)
    Single Room - €1700 incl all materials, meals and €200 Special discount - (regular price €1900)
    Single Room luxe - €1800 incl all materials, meals and €200 Special discount - (regular price €2000)

Requested for your Attendance: ( 1 of these 3 )


- You have had a Soulbreath® Personal Integration session with Erno OR

- You have joined a Rise & Shine Yoga teacher training before, where you have practiced with Erno



YES, I want to Book Today with discount!


*discount valid until 20 February 2025*
rise gift
"Along with the Soulbreath®  approach to transformation that I received from Erno, 

I was able to experience a profound transition and freedom from lingering grief,
that had previously been stored in my body. One of the most valuable treasures I will carry in my life".

D. Silver from the United States

Do you want a Private Soulbreath® Breath training?

Erno Van Doesselaar is also offering the possibility to book a Private Breath Teacher Training just for you!  

We know from our experience that it can be even more beneficial to get a private training,
that can be fully tailored to You. Where we can work in depth on your Breath & Integration process,
where all time and space is dedicated to your transformation ❤️☀️

Fill in your details below and Erno will get back in touch with you about his availabilities
and recommendations for a successful Private Breath Teacher Training ❤️