sound healing ibiza

50hrs Sound Healing Fundamentals training
31 March - 5 April 2025 on Ibiza!

**Limited availability - we only work with smaller groups**



performed sound baths


taught students

17 years

teacher trainer experience

crystal singing bowls

What is Sound Healing?

 👉 BOOK TODAY WITH €200 SPECIAL DISCOUNT!  Valid until 20 FEBRUARY 2025 !! 
Sound healing works by using specific sound frequencies and vibrations to restore harmony and balance within the body and mind. These frequencies can be produced by a variety of instruments, such as Crystal bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, tuning forks, drums, koshi's, gongs, handpans and even the human voice. When we experience these sounds in a sound bath, they can have a profound effect on the body, mind and spirit. The sound frequencies can help us to reduce stress, alleviate pain, calm our mind and create a sense of deep relaxation and inner peace.

And because it raises our frequency, it can help us to get into a clearer and higher awareness.
Many times we have heard from participants that after attending a sound healing session, they could feel a different state being that lasted for 1-2 days.

At its core, sound healing is a holistic practice that recognises the interconnectedness of all things.
It acknowledges that our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being are all deeply interconnected and that by addressing imbalances in one area, we can positively impact the others. Just like when we bring one chakra in balance, that one will influence the next chakra and so on. Through the power of sound vibrations, we can tap into our innate ability to heal and transform.

Discover the major benefits of Sound Healing

gong bath

Deep Relaxation

Sound Healing sessions help our body and mind to get into a deep state of relaxation. 

A Sound bath is composed out of a specific range of sound frequencies and they directly affect our body and mind. When we choose the exact frequency, we can help our mind to get into the slower brainwaves that create deep relaxation, rejuvenation and a strong sense of wellbeing. In this state of being, we start to feel calmness and inner peace. 

gong bath

Letting go of Stress and Anxiety

The soothing, meditative qualities of sound healing can really help to reduce stress and anxiety. Because our physical body is literally receiving and absorbing the sound vibrations, it has an effect on us on the cellular level. Science has been proving this by measuring blood cells and their activity before and after a sound bath. You can say that we literally start to vibrate on a different energy level. 

gong bath

Improved sleep

The calming and soothing effects of a sound healing session can help to drastically improve our sleep quality.
With sound healing we are getting into different brainwave states. Especially in the Theta brainwaves, where we can feel as if we are in between sleeping and being awake, we can experience a state of deep relaxation where the body can let go on deeper levels and regenerate and reset itself.
This can help to reduce insomnia and cause more restful, restorative sleep.

singing bowl

Helping to release stuck energies and opening to higher awareness

When the sound bath is performed with an intention of unconditional love & healing, it can give an extra high vibrational energy together with the sound frequencies from the instruments. This combination can help our body and mind to set itself free from stuck energies, deeply embedded emotions and blockages. Afterwards naturally opening into a higher awareness.

You can compare it to a river that has a dam...and when that dam starts to dissolve, it allows the river to start flowing in its natural flow and strength.

singing bowl

Effective in managing chronic pain

Sound vibrations have also been shown to be effective in managing chronic pain, including conditions such as headaches, migraines, and musculair pains. The sound vibrations and frequencies that are used in a session can help to reduce inflammation, stimulate blood circulation and release muscle tension.
And it can also help us to get out of our mind's stories, so we can let go of focusing on any negative physical sensations. 

singing bowl

Lower blood pressure

Because sound healing can create such a deep state of relaxation, the rhythm of our natural breathing can slow down. As a result it can help to lower our blood pressure,
heart rate and cortisol levels, which are all associated with stress.

Erno Tibetan Singing Bowl
Erno Van Doesselaar - lead sound healing teacher trainer

About your Sound Healing teacher

Erno Van Doesselaar is a Sound Healing teacher trainer, Soulbreath® teacher trainer, breath therapist, yoga Nidra and yoga teacher E-RYT200.Already as a child one of his big passions was music. He loved to dive into compositions to feel them with his entire body, as he realised that the vibrations of music can create such a deep connection that he would feel every note that was being played. And he noticed that many times he already knew how the composition would develop. At that time  he never realised that he had a strong  energy awareness and intuition, because that seemed normal to him.

In his mid-twenties he had a big awakening call and that opened him up to his journey of self discovery, self awareness and spirituality. He was searching for answers to the, Who Am I? And what makes my heart happy? questions. So he studied many books from psychology to buddhism, followed self healing workshops and holistic teacher trainings. He learned NLP, Reiki, Integrative  massage, acupressure, meditation and breathing techniques. He followed many Self Awareness schools that taught him a lot about himself. 
He realised how many belief systems from his childhood were part of how his daily reality usually was...and then he got educated how it was possible to now create in a conscious way based on self love and self awareness. Eventually Erno became a spiritual teacher, awareness teacher, and Soulbreath® teacher. This as short background information about Erno. Meanwhile he had experienced his first sound baths and he loved that experience so much that at that moment  he promised himself to learn more about it... Fast forward a few years more in time and Erno joined all the sessions of professional Sound healers, who performed in the yoga studio of his wife and him in the Netherlands. This is how his sound healing passion was fully re-awakened and he joined his first sound healing teacher training with a couple in Spain.After that he learned a lot more in a variety of online teacher trainings until he felt he was ready to perform his own sound bath sessions, for the students of the international yoga teacher trainings that he had been teaching and assisting in for years. This gave him a rich experience in leading sound sessions, before he decided to start teaching sound healing trainings.

All the years of experience from his self development teacher trainings, the intense breath master trainings, many international yoga teacher trainings, his international Soulbreath® teacher trainings and music background came together in his new passion... sound healing.


conscious breath sunset
Enjoying the magical sunset on Ibiza

What can you expect from our Sound Healing Teacher Training?

  • History of Sound Healing

  • How does sound healing work? The frequency of Sound

  • What instruments do I need to have?

  • How to take care of your instruments and keep them in good shape?

  • Learning to connect to an instrument.. How to truly connect?

  • How to create a sound bath sequence?

  • How to play? The technical part

  • Learning to play Crystal Bowls - different techniques

  • How to combine Crystal Bowls and play them together

  • Binaural beats and crystal bowls

  • Learning to play Tibetan singing bowls

  • Using singing bowls for individual sessions

  • Using the Gong as instrument

  • Using tuning forks, koshis

  • Discovering new instruments - using the Handpan in sound healing

  • Special workshop with Flavio Salvaje on sound awareness

  • The most underrated instrument - Our Voice

  • How to set up a sound healing session?

  • Preparing and clearing a space

  • Setting up your instruments for the session

  • How to lead a sound healing session for a group

  • Working with sound healing privately (1-0-1)

  • Ending the session - grounding- feedback


We are very happy to be working with unique handmade instruments of

tibetan singing bowls puchi


Puchi Lhaba Rial is an authentic lady from Nepal who brings only authentic handmade and personally blessed Tibetan Singing Bowls, Tingsha's and Incense to Ibiza's Hippie Market. 

She travels to Nepal and Tibet herself to make sure that she gets the best quality Singing Bowls and that the people over there are supported as well. This is how we feel people should support each other and work together. 

We are very grateful for her loving support and Tibetan Singing Bowls in our Sound Healing Trainings.

mag instruments handpans


Over the years MAG has grown into one of the most professional handpan manufacturers in Europe. They produce a wide variety in scales and mainly use Ember Steel and Stainless Steel as materials for the handpans. It is always a joy to meet them in their workplace in Budapest. Erno comes there regularly. Erno plays on MAG Handpans himself and sometimes has one for sale.

We are very grateful for their loving support with Erno's Handpan journey and Sound Healing trainings

yishama pantams handpans


Yishama is a unique Pantam & Handpan producer specialised in creating instruments that are being made with passion, love and devotion. You can feel  a very special vibration, because they have been made with conscious intent. They are also known for creating unique scales and layouts of the notes in co operation with Handpan musicians.
They mainly use Stainless Steel from sustainable sources  as material.
They supply Flavio Salvaje with a variety of their Handpans.

We are very grateful to be connected to the Yishama team and for their loving support and Handpans. 

What do previous attendants say

I highly recommend this course! It was such an amazing experience with the best group of people. I can't wait for the advanced training!

A. Bowen from United Kingdom

 Thank you so much for everything. I remember all the great time we had every day. The beautiful energy is still with me. Thank you for all the information and for guiding me, It is such a good feeling to know that I can always reach out to you for more guidance and information. 

Kathrin, Germany

Thank you for the amazing sound healing course. What an incredible journey with incredible people. I am very grateful for meeting and connecting to you all.  

Laura, USA

Start your sound journey in person! 

👉 Get professional individual guidance
👉 Learn to truly connect and play skilfully

👉 Experience your sound healing connection

sound healing preparation
Selecting your instruments

Erno's inspiring lectures about Sound and Awareness

When Erno gives a lecture about Sound and Awareness it will never be the same one :)
He mixes his life experiences with practical  knowledge, scientific facts, his rich teaching experience and humor. And then he puts it all together into practice. You never have the feeling that he is only giving you dry information to learn from, he shows you what you can do with it and let's you experience it right away. Erno says many times: "If you want to be an inspiring and skilful teacher
for others, then you cannot just copy what you get taught...that only makes you a copycat" 

  • First you have to integrate what you have learned by bringing it into practice yourself.
  • Gain experience by starting to practice a lot! First on yourself and then on your friends & family. 
  • Make a journal, write down what you have experienced during and after giving a session...
    it sounds like a time taking process, but it is the most efficient way for our mind to process experiences and to let them go!
  • Now that you are gaining more practical life experiences with leading a sound bath, start adding your own flavour to your sessions! Use your own unique way of expressing, (your own words)
    bring in your own humor, your most loved instruments, your favourite themes and your unique awareness! That is what makes it your own unique version of a sound bath
    and that will appeal the people that love your way of teaching!
sound healing training ibiza

 Sound frequency

and your intention

One of the fundamental themes that we focus on in this teacher training, is how do we set up our sound batch sequence and with what intention? This is very important because the instruments that we are using for a sound bath are enlarging the energies.
Our key points for this theme will be:

  • Self Awareness - being able to reflect on how you are doing - for real
  • Self Acceptance - learning to really accept yourself as you are in the moment
  • Connection - consciously connecting to yourself and the sound frequency instruments
  • Playing Consciously - learning to connect and play on the instruments in full presence
  • Grounding - being able to ground the energies makes you a stable session leader
  • Intention - what focus do you want to give to your session? what is recommended? why?
certified yoga teachers

Get certified to teach all around the world!

This training is registered with Yoga Alliance® as our 50 hrs YACEP teacher training

This means that if you are already a registered teacher, you can use this certificate to comply with the YA requirements for continuous education. If you are new to Yoga Alliance and you want to register with them, then these 50 hrs can be part of reaching your total of 200hrs of teaching hours with our registered Yoga school, Rise & Shine Yoga. ( these can be in person and online teacher trainings) 

Important: After having completed this 50hrs Sound Healing Fundamentals teacher training,
you are also eligible to join our 50hrs Sound Healing ADVANCED teacher training in October 2025.
Together these 2 teacher trainings will give you a 100 hours Sound Healing TT Certificate!
Our commitment to really support you in becoming a skilful and professional sound healer. 

playing techniques crystal bowls



8.00 - 9.00 Daily Yoga / Meditation / Meditation movement session

9.15: Yogic breakfast /snack

9.30 - 11.30: Sound healing lecture and sound healing session

11.30 -12.30. Brunch

12.30-14.00 Sound healing practice, experience & connect time and space

14.00-16.20 Afternoon break

16.20 - 16.30 Snack time

16.30- 19.00 Sound healing lecture and teaching lab - sound healing session

19.00 Dinner

20.30 - 21.00 Every second evening sound meditation and/or awareness talk.

In the afternoon breaks we have options for hikes and beach time as well, to make sure you have enough movement.
Much Love & Blessings ♥

Erno van Doesselaar & Flavio Salvaje


sound healing training 2025


€ 1500,-

50h Sound Healing Fundamentals TT 

⭐️ 50 hrs Yoga Alliance approved Sound Healing Fundamentals Teacher Training

⭐️ TRAINING ONLY:  €750 p/person (regular price €950)
(regular price €1700-€2050)


LOCATION: Magical Island of Ibiza, in a remote peaceful venue, near Benirras.


You need to participate in all the sessions in the training and complete a written coursework after the course to be sent in. After approval you will be sent your certificate of 50hrs Sound Healing Fundamentals TT, that you can register with Yoga Alliance as YACEP (post educational hours) or you can build up with other modules to your 200hrs Yoga Teacher certification and then register with Yoga Alliance.

Cancellation policy:

Deposits are non refundable due to very high costs for venue rentals and staff on Ibiza.
We keep a non refundable deposit of €600 if the cancelation happens up until 8 weeks before this teacher training. If cancellation happens within the last 6-8 weeks before this teacher training, there is only a refund above €1100. If cancellation happens within the last 6 weeks before this teacher training, we cannot give any refund.

For our General Terms and Conditions click here


*SPECIAL discount valid until 20 February 2025*
sound healing practice flavio and erno
With love & blessings from Flavio Salvaje & Erno van Doesselaar

We can't wait to see you opening your wings and take off on your Sound Journey!

It is our passion and joy you to guide you on your sound journey ❤️
Also after completing this teacher training, we are happy to guide you, give you feedback and answer your questions. We believe in supporting each others passion and success.

We are looking forward to seeing you on Ibiza! ☀️

*** LIMITED AVAILABILITY - (4 Spots left)***